Bring your dreams to life

Create your own blueprint for a thriving life experience on your own terms with ease and flow. Freedom at your fingertips.



Take a look at the results you're getting and the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in the same patterns.


Get clear on your vision, build a relationship with your future self & anticipate the challenges and obstacles on the way.


Set goals to achieve your vision, create a successful daily routine and learn to recognize and act on the opportunities.

Meet Your Coach

Hi beautiful soul, I am Cecile, your Mindset and Manifestation Coach.

I believe that there is nothing more painful than regrets, but for most of my life, I thought that there was nothing special about me. I had no special talent, my life was the cliche of average and it sabotaged any progress that I could make.
I was the oversensitive one, I had no passion, working a job that was sucking the energy and drive out of me and my favorite hobby was to go out. I was settling for mediocrity.
Until I made one decision that changed my life overnight.
Fast forward to today, I am a certified Reiki Master and Law of Attraction Coach, I attracted my partner and a list of things that wouldn’t fit on this page. I wouldn’t trade my life with anyone else! And I am on a mission to guide joy seekers just like you in the creation of their own blueprint to bring their dreams to life so they can turn their back to regret.

What my tribe says about me

Get started

Take what you need, leave the rest, and I see you on the inside 💖

Join my private Facebook group for ongoing support, weekly live training and challenges + exclusive bonuses

Download your free ebook to connect with your inner voice, improve your decision making and 10x your intuition. 

Download your free workbook to get crystal clear on your goal and instantly set the Law of Attraction into motion.

Book your Power Flow Session to master your energy and create an action plan for success during challenging times.

Join my signature group coaching program to pave your path to success in only 66 days!